Zaharah Bukhsh
Assistant Professor, Information System Group. Eindhoven University of Technology

I am a computer science researcher, passionate about bridging the gap between artificial intelligence and engineering problems. My expertise involves the development of decision-support methods, data-driven predictive modeling, asset management tools, and predictive maintenance solutions. I have contributed to multiple H2020 and NWO research projects. My research focus consists of the following concrete topics: data-driven decision-making, deep reinforcement learning, business process monitoring and optimization, and self-supervised learning.
If you are interested in talking about my research or possible collaboration, I welcome you to email me at z(dot)bukhsh@tue(dot)nl.
Apr 30, 2024 | I am delighted to have accepted the associate role at the Eindhoven Artificial Intelligence Systems Institute (EAISI). For more information, please read here. |
Apr 15, 2024 | Exciting news! Our paper titled Unsupervised Anomaly Detection Algorithms on Real-world Data: How Many Do We Need? has been accepted for publication in the Journal of Machine Learning Research. GitHub repository. |
Mar 9, 2024 | Together with my colleagues, we are organizing a workshop on Trustworthy decision-making at ECAI 2024. Please consider submitting contributions. Visit the workshop website for more information. |
Dec 7, 2023 | I was invited to present at EAISI AIMM Lab on utilizing transfer learning for industrial applications. Link to slides 👉 here |
Nov 27, 2023 | My master student, Igor Smit, won KHMW Young Talent Graduation Award for Data Science for his excellent Master thesis. |